Surprisingly, it did last a while as I hauled that shelf from house to house, to various apartments over the years until it finally could take no more.
Ever since, I have been trying to decide just how I wanted to proceed with replacing my shelving, because I absolutely needed something for the shack.
Another trip to my hardware store yielded my answer: closet storage!
The folks at ClosetMaid have created the PERFECT radio shack shelving and storage systems in their closet organization shelving. There are a number of different options available at their Web site, however I have opted to start with the 31" shelving system found at this link here.
I recently made myself a homemade desk using two small $15 bookcases at Wal-Mart that provide me with much needed shelving for logbooks, my assortment of ARRL books, and even some basic tools for splicing, wire work and other random needs that pop up from time to time in the shack.
On top of those bookcases, I put a door I found at the Habitat for Humanity Restore that I bought for $5. I used another $5 to set vertically on top of the other door, to give me room for corkboard mats to hang things like maps, QSLs and other necessities.
The ClosetMaid shelving unit it the perfect size to fit on my desk top. I can even get two and still have 15 inches on one side to use for a laptop.
It was easy to build and my scanners, receivers and Ham rigs fit perfectly inside, while still providing room for ventilation. At $15 each, this is the perfect solution for what i was trying to accomplish.
All told, I am only out $55 for this desk that I built on my own and has exactly what I need for my shack. I am going to drill some more cable holes with grommets and add probably one more shelf soon. I hope to put up some pics once it is all done.
So if you are looking for a way to give you more room on your shack desk and want to spend as little as possible (and aren't handy at building with wood) I highly recommend the ClosetMaid products. They can be found at most larger hardware stores, Wal-Mart, Target and of course, online.
Until next time, 73s and good listening!