Hey everyone;
Unfortunately, I am going to have to put the podcast on hold for now......I might be able to make it a monthly podcast, instead of the current weekly format, but we will have to see how things go this next month or so.
The podcast is an extensive amount of work to produce, and I have a full-time job that takes the majority of my time. In addition, there are some costs associated with hosting the podcast and having the equipment and resources to produce a weekly podcast that can get expensive rather quickly.
Rather than let the blog suffer from lack of attention, I am going to shift my focus to the blog and hold off on the podcast for now.
In the interest of making sure the podcast comes back....and that the blog continues to bring you the latest in streaming news, I am including a button on the blog to make donations.
If you like what you see around here and enjoyed the weekly podcast, a donation is sincerely appreciated. It just helps to help keep things running smoothly on this end.
I thank you for your understanding and look forward to continuing to bring you the latest in streaming news and information each month in MT, and regularly here on the blog!