I love sharing information with my readers, not only in the pages of Monitoring Times each month, but also here on the GlobalNet blog. I haven't been very active lately, but it's not for lack of interest. As I know many are these days, been feeling like too little butter stretched over so much bread (10 points for those that can spot where that quote comes from!) - which doesn't leave a lot of extra time for much extra work.
But, all work and no play makes Loyd a grumpy dude. Internet Radio isn't the only way I enjoy spending my time or in pursuit of the DX hobby. Many of you know my love of DXing on the mediumwave bands and pursuing rare DX there. I have also been bit by the Ham radio bug pretty hard. I first was licensed back in 2004 but due to an unfortunate act of nature taking out almost my entire ham radio station, had to spend some time away from the hobby until I was recently able to get back on to HF.
Have a new personal blog up - not just Internet Radio related, but more of my personal thoughts and happenings in my pursuit of the DX hobby. If you want to know what's up at the QTH, check out Upstate RF - W4LVH's Radio Blog
Really enjoying the digital modes, so expect to see a healthy dose of information and postings about PSK31, RTTY, Olivia, JT65, JT9, SSTV and more. It should come as no surprise that the Internet Radio guy would be all about digital HF radio, right?
For my fellow hams that are readers - look for me on the bands.....have some QSLs to send out, and maybe soon, version 2 will be coming out. A little sneak peek can be found below.
73 and best of DX to you all.